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192.COM - GB.

Alex Nolan - Postcode finder.

Black and Decker - Black and Decker spares help.

Baby names - Names for babies and there meanings.

British Telecom telephone directory -

Browsys Search - Search Google, Bing (MS),Youtube, News, Facebook, Flickr, etcetera, all on one site.

China post - Track a parcel posted in China.

Crossword solver - Simply tell us what letters you do have.

Dohop - Flight planner, routes from A to B via C.

East Durham - A Seaham based local history project designed to capture and preserve photographs, memories of past times and experiences.

Facebook - Helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

Find my past - Discover your ancestors, more than 1.7 billion international family history records.

Map 24 - Maps and routes.

MultiMap - Map and Photographs.

Metacrawler -

Postcodefinder guide - Find a postcode, owned and operated by Homepages Online.

Quidco - Got some good bargains, for example, 2 for 1 in Pizza Hut.

Royal Mail Postcodes - Find an address

Search UK -

Sitelines - Tyne and Wear's Historic Environment Record, use Search by postcode.

Travel Britain -

UK250 -

Spond login - Spond, club activities in one convenient space.

GB Street Map -

GB Yellow Pages -

US Yellow pages -

Wikipedia - Like an encyclopedia but electronic.


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Copyright Roy Dickason, October 2002 and April 2019.